Julius Caesar Book Summary

Julius Caesar: - A Roman General Steadily Gaining Power.
Calpurnia: - Wife of Julius Caesar
Marcus Brutus: - Roman politician, Friend of Julius Caesar
Caius Cassius: - Roman senator, Chief Conspirator
Casca :- Another Conspirator
Mark Antony:- Roman General
Octavius:- Nephew of Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar is a historical play and tragedy written by William Shakespeare.
William Shakespeare is regarded as the greatest writer and dramatist in English.
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar is a five-act play produced in 1599-1600 and published in the First Folio of 1623. The play dramatizes the events surrounding the 44 BC assassination of Julius Caesar, a Roman general and statement.
The play Julius Caesar opens with Julius Caesar's triumphal entry into Rome after defeating his rival Pompey, during these festivities, a soothsayer or astrologer warns Caesar - " to beware the ides of 15 March".
Meanwhile, Cassius persuades Brutus that Caesar is dangerously ambitious but Brutus admits that he loves Caesar, but he doesn't want. Caesar to become king and he desires the good of Rome above all else. At the same time Cassia informs them that Antony offered Caesar a crown but Caesar refused it. Brutus and Cassia agree to talk later, but Cassia plots to leave: Brutus reads a letter urging him to unspoke injustice against Rome. Brutus hasn't slept since Cassius spoke him to of the conspiracy. Brutus assures himself that assassinating Caesar is the best thing to do for Rome then Cassius and Casco arrive with other conspirators, along with Brutus' plan to assassinate Caesar as well as Antony. As a leader of the plot, Brutus rejects the assassination of Antony who is close to Caesar and after the conspirators are carried away, Brutus' wife arrives and begs Brutus to tell her what's going on but Brutus promises to confide in her later.
Meanwhile, Caesar's wife Calpurnio has dreamed of Caesar's murder and begs Caesar not to go outside today Caesar agrees with Calpurnia by saying that
" Cowards die many times
before their death
The Valiant never taste
Of death but once "
Now conspirators arrive to take Caesar with him to the Senate house, Caesar refuses by saying my wife has forbade me to go outside today and I love my wife so much that's why I can't go outside today, but Decius tells him that when everyone comes to know the reason for your not coming then all make fun of you and then after hearing this Caesar goes with the Decius and other conspirators.
When the Conspirators in the Senate house get a chance they kill Caesar, Caesar dies after saying
" " Et tu , Brute ? "
Means - " You to Brutus "
At Caesar's Funeral Brutus appeals to the people that it was necessary to kill Caesar for the sake of Rome and when Antony's speech reminds them about the goodness of Caesar against Rome then suddenly all the crowds feel Mutinous against the conspirators and Brutus and Cassius leave the city.
Later Antony and Octavius, the nephew of Caesar wage a war against Brutus and Cassius
An argument begins between Brutus and Cassius and Brutus thinks that he made a big mistake by obeying Cassius. Brutus' wife committed suicide because she feared that Brutus couldn't defeat Antony and Octavius that night Brutus saw the ghost of Caesar.
The next day on the battlefield when Cassius and Brutus start giving up then they also commit suicide. Thus Julius Caesar was a Tragedy because in the end, everybody died, some were killed by their opponents but most of their leaders committed suicide.
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